talk to me.
Emotions, courage,
authenticity. talk to me.
Each episode is aimed at stimulating
both your mind and heart.
Each episode is aimed at stimulating
both your mind and heart.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein
Story to tell
“Story to tell” is a series of podcasts on topics related to the areas of my interest. Sometimes I invite inspiring guests to talk to, and sometimes I host an episode on my own.
Each episode is aimed at stimulating both your mind and heart. Hopefully giving you a better understanding of yourself, others and the world we live in.
Thank you for listening!
has a story,this one is mine.
My name is Joanna Chmura
and I am a psychologist.
I specialise in courage. The courage to live,
experience and feel all emotions.
Below you will find various ways we can work together. They differ in length, format and intensity, but they do have one thing in common: courage. The courage to live a better life.Individual clients will find opportunities for self-development, while companies will find diverse options for supporting their staff.
Join me in the process of self-growth in which authenticity plays a key role. Becoming who you really are is the first step in finding your inner strength.
Take part in a variety of activities that can support the growth of your people.
Please join me in the upcoming events.
31.01.2025 godz. 19:00Wykład na platformie On my way „Jak nie tracić wiary w marzenia?”
14, 15, 17, 21, 28 stycznia 2025Kurs online "Kierunek Marzenia"
18, 19, 20 listopada godz. 08:00Kurs online "Pewnie w niepewność"
28.09.2024Konferencja WOLNI OD STRESU
Have a look at what I have prepared for you to read, listen and watch.
We have done a lot of cool stuff with this beautiful group of clients. Sometimes the services have included coaching sessions, talks, workshops and other times: webinars and podcasts. I must say that I’ve had the pleasure of working with really interesting and brave people.
Do you want to know what we can do together?
Do you want to know what we can do together?
Take the first step and get in touch with me. I would be delighted to discuss what we could create together.
Zrób pierwszy krok.
Skontaktuj się ze mną.
Chętnie omówię wspólne działania.
Ready for action? My shop is full of tools and options of applying theory into practice. And since I'm always working on something new, please visit regularly, as new things will be coming up.
SPRAWDŹ CO JESZCZE MOGĘ CI ZAOFEROWAĆW moim sklepie czekają na Ciebie produkty związane z szeroko pojętym rozwojem. Idź i zobacz, co dobrego czeka na Ciebie.
Chciałam stworzyć taki kurs, na który
sama bym się zapisała. Tak zrobiłam,
bo wiem jak bardzo potrzebny jest mi
spokój, kiedy wokół dzieje się tyle, że
„nie ogarniam”, że wkrada się lęk, że
gubię azymut.
Chciałam stworzyć taki kurs, na który sama bym się zapisała. Tak zrobiłam, bo wiem jak bardzo potrzebny jest mi spokój, kiedy wokół dzieje się tyle, że „nie ogarniam”, że wkrada się lęk, że gubię azymut.